As you know we started the hybrid program last week with a 1 week free trail period. This week the hybrid programming will be available to those who want to sign up via a google doc that you will be granted access to. Please reach out to Paul at to sign up for this program and get access to the programming!
The cool part about this program is that it isn’t for people that only want to train to compete, it is for anyone that wants to focus and improve their abilities with the barbell and gymnastics to get more out of the everyday classes!!! Coach Paul will be writing and coaching the program to help build and develop on top of what our head mastermind Clint writes for the classes. The lead coaching hours are Monday and Wednesday at 8:30-9:30am and Tuesday and Thursday 5-7pm. The cost of the program is an additional $50 onto your membership. We look forward to watching some of you further develop and take your skills to the next level with our new program!
Monday, March 21st
Front Squat – 1 Rep Max
AMRAP in 10 Minutes of:
10 Front Rack Lunges (155/105)
30 Doubleunders
Tuesday, March 22nd
EMOTM for 10 Minutes of Split jerk x 2
EMOTM for 8 Minutes of:
5 Push Ups + 100 Meter Sprint
-Rest 2 minutes
3 x 200 meter sprint every 2 minutes
1 x 400 meter sprint
Wednesday, March 23rd
Clean and Press – 1 Rep Max
Back Squat 3 x 8 at 75%
Row 1k Meters
25 Burpee Box Jumps
6 Wall Walks
Bike 1.2 Miles
Thursday, March 24th
Good Mornings 3 x 8
Teams of 2 Complete the Following:
6 Rounds Per Partner
200 Meter Run
5 Man Makers 45/25
* 1 Partner completes a round while 1 partner rests
Friday, March 25th
Hang Snatch (work up to a heavy set of 2 in 15 Minutes)
Every 3 Minutes for 18 Minutes of:
3 Snatches at 90% of the hang snatch double above
15 Kettlebell Swings (70/53)
2 Rope climbs
Saturday, March 26th
Final Open WOD 16.5 heat sign ups will begin at 8 AM and the first heats will start at about 8:15 and go until all heats are completed! We will be celebrating the end of the open with a Chili Cook Off! Chili eating will start about 10/10:30 and we will have a chili champ by 12!
Sunday, March 27th
9 AM Free-For-All Community WOD
10AM – Monster Mash/Open Gym