Monday, August 8th
Front Squats/Back Squats 2/4 @ 95% x 3
(complete 2 front squats immediately into 4 back squats)
12 min AMRAP of:
10 Kettlebell Swings (70/53)
10 goblet squats (70/53)
10 goblet lunges (70/53)
10 pullups
Tuesday, August 9th
Strict press 3×6
Superset with 10 GHD Situps
4 Rounds for time of:
10 Box Jump Overs 24/20
8 Handstand Push Ups
50 Meter Sprint
Wednesday, August 10th
EMOTM for 10 Minutes of:
2 Full Cleans (start at 50% work up to 85%)
10 Cleans (115/75)
200 Meter Run
8 Cleans (155/105)
200 Meter Run
6 Cleans (185/125)
200 Meter Run
4 Cleans (205/135)
200 Meter Run
2 Cleans (225/155)
200 Meter Run
Thursday, August 11th
Good mornings 3×6
Superset with 10 strict pull-ups x 3 (add weight if needed)
5 Rounds for time of:
30/20 Calories, Assault Bike/row/50m sled push (4/3)
30 Abmat Sit-ups
3 Rope Climbs, 15 ft
Friday, August 12th
Turkish Get Ups 1x10L/1x10R
Warm up for Clusters/OHS
AMRAP in 20 Minutes of:
The open test partner style, 2 people complete the following:
50 Wall Balls (20/14)
50 Doubleunders
40 Box Jumps
40 Toes to Bar
30 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
30 Burpees
20 Cleans – power or squat (145/100)
20 Jerks (145/100)
10 Snatch – power or squat (145/100)
10 Muscle ups
1 Partner Works while 1 Partner Rests
Saturday, August 13th
0800 and 10:30 CrossFit Class:
Teams of 3 WOD
1600m Row (divided anyway). One person must be in the plank the entire row.
20 Wallball each (relay style) (20/14) – 10′ target
40 Unison Situps (arms interlaced)
20 Pull-ups Each (relay style)
40 Unison KB Swings (53/40)
3x 200m Sprint (1 person runs 200 and tags the other one in)
40 Squat Cleans (divided anyway) (155/105). One person must be in the plank the entire time cleans are being done.
20 Unison Burpees
0900 Barbell Proficiency Class: Snatch Focus
11:30 AM – Free Introduction to CrossFit Class
Sunday, August 14th
9 AM – Free-For-All WOD
10 AM – Monster Mash/Open Gym
For Time:
50-40-30-20-10 Reps of Air Squats
5-4-3-2-1 Reps of Clean and Jerks (225/155)
21-15-9 Reps of:
Toes To Bar
For Time:
1500 Meter Row
1 Mile Run
Rest 5 Minutes between Workouts