Get your Halloween Costumes ready for our Halloween Party this Saturday, October 22nd from 7:30 PM till 11 PM! We will have drinks and snacks available! Feel free to bring any finger food or beverages you would like.
0800 & 1030- CrossFit Class
2 People Complete the Following:
AMRAP in 7 Minutes of:
7 Pull Ups
7 Box Jumps
7 Thrusters (95/65)
200 Meter Run/250 Meter Row/Ski Erg or .3 Miles on the Bike
1 partner completed the run/row/ski erg/bike while the other partner accumulates AMRAP of the pull ups, box jumps, thrusters and then switch
-Rest 2 Minutes
AMRAP in 7 Minutes of:
7 Burpees
7 Overhead Squats (95/65)
7 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
200 Meter Run/250 Meter Row/Ski Erg or .3 Miles on the Bike
1 partner completes the run/row/ski erg/bike while the other partner accumulates AMRAP of the burpees, OHS, box jumps and then switch
-Rest 2 Minutes
AMRAP in 7 Minutes of:
7 Wall Balls (20/14)
7 Push Press (95/65)
7 V Ups
1 partner completes the run/row/ski erg/bike while the other partner accumulates AMRAP of the wall balls, push press, V Ups and then switch
– 5 Minutes to complete 1 Rep Max Thruster for each partner
0900 – Barbell Proficiency Class – Snatch Focus
1130 – Free Intro to CrossFit/Open Gym