7 Sets of:
2 Hang Power Snatch + 2 Overhead Squats
Build over the course of 7 sets
“If You Ain’t First, You’re Last”
4 Rounds for time of:
8/8 DB Hang Power Snatch 45/25
50 Double Unders
50m DB Overhead & Farmer’s Carry 45/25
25 Jumping Squats
DB Hang Power Snatch @ 30/15
50 Double Unders/100 Single Unders
DB Overhead & Farmer’s Carry 30/15
6 Sets of:
Pause Clean + Clean + Jerk
3 sets @ 70%
3 sets @ 75%
4 Sets of:
Snatch Push Press x 5 @ 80%
3 Sets of:
Russian Twists x 30
A nice, simple hang power snatch and overhead complex to start the day. We will be testing our one rep max snatch on Saturday so that is the focus The hang position is there to help you build speed and power on that pull. Make sure to get those elbows high and outside before you start to turn your hands around for that punch. Your elbow position will determine how close the barbell stays to you. Think scarecrow! After that second hang power snatch stand it up and keep active shoulders while going for those overhead squats. No need to speed through those squats. Slow and controlled is ideal for your body to learn efficient positioning.
The MetCon includes a couple unilateral movements. The dumbbell hang power snatch will reinforce the movement while working on both your comfortable and not-so-comfortable sides. For the DB Overhead & Farmer’s carry, you will hold one dumbbell overhead and the other will be at your side. When you hit the 25m point you switch sides. Last note, please keep hands on your head while performing the jumping lunges. This forces your chest up, keeping your entire body in a better biomechanical position.