EMOM for 8 minutes of:
Power Snatch + 2 Overhead Squats
Build to today’s heaviest set
“Luca Brasi Sleeps with the Fishes”
AMRAP in 25 minutes of:
200m Run
2 Overhead Squats 95/65*
*Taken from the floor. Start at 95/65 and add 10 lbs per round.
Back squat 4×5 75%
Split jerk 5×3 75%
Ghd situps 3×20
The EMOM in our Strength portion is more of a primer for the WOD. The WOD is a longer AMRAP with increasing weight for the Overhead Squats. Although the weight jumps by only 10 lbs per round, some of you may run into the problem of getting to a heavier weight than you are able to Power Snatch. At this point switch to your Clean and Jerk to get that bar to the back rack position, then snatch-grip push press it up from there for your Overhead Squats. If you fail your first rep of the Overhead Squat twice in a row, drop the weight down to the previous successful set and redo that set. You may move back up in weight if successful.