Beginning today we embark on a 6 week cycle with an emphasis on clean and jerk. I say emphasis because there will be plenty of other work involved, but the focus will be a simple progression through clean and jerk movements. We will also test a sprint metcon at the beginning and the end of the cycle, that WOD will show up on Wednesday this week.
Hang clean x 2 + jerk
20 minutes to build to heavy set of the complex.
The clean should be a squat clean. Jerk may be any style. Take a few sets to warm up and try to hit at least 5 solid working sets.
3 deadlift (315/205)
10 TTB
30 double unders
Scaling Options:
DL: Pick a weight that is challenging for an unbroken set of 3
TTB: Hanging knee raises, sit-ups
DUs: 60 singles