Clean and jerk continues this week on Tuesday. We will also be squatting twice, the second session will be pause squats on Thursday.
Unfortunately Spin with Kelly is cancelled this Wednesday because there is no Kelly (she is out of town). We should be back up and running next week.
Monday 4/9
Back squat 5×4
Warm up and then hit 5 working sets of 4. Build over the sets, ending at 80% or more. Try to beat last weeks number (that you did for a set of 5).
Shoulder to overhead (155/105)
*Every time you drop the bar or come off the pull-up bar there is 200m penalty run.
Normally I might suggest breaking up the sets before failure, but today is a chance to push yourself if you think you can go unbroken. If you know you are going to have to break, plan accordingly so you can get the penalty lap over with quickly. You may rest with the bar in the front rack position, resting with the bar on your back is not allowed. The shoulder to overhead can be any time of pressing/jerk movement: push jerk is recommended.
Tuesday 4/10
E2MOM 10 (5 sets):
Clean & jerk x 2
Squat clean & split jerk recommended. There is only 5 sets so warm up to a decent starting weight.
4 rounds:
50 double unders
10 power clean (135/95)
10 box jumps (24/20)
50m sled push (4/3)
Double under challenge: over the next four weeks there will be one workout each week that begins with double unders. That number will increase by 50 each week. Point is to give you a chance at the beginning of the metcon to attempt a double under PR while you are still fresh. Will anyone get 200 the last week?
Wednesday 4/11
Strict press 3×8
In a 4 minute window:
500m/425m row (0.6/0.5 mile bike)
Max thrusters (95/65) in time remaining
Rest 3 minutes
3 total rounds
This is a max effort interval workout. You get 3 minutes to rest between, make the most of your time for thrusters. Score is number of thrusters each round.
Thursday 4/12
Pause front squat 5×3
2 second pause at the bottom of the squat. Target ending percentage ~70%.
Goblet lunges (53/35), alternate legs
Russian KB swings
Calories on assault bike (or rower)
Rx+ 70/53# KB
Snatch focus
Friday 4/13
Hand Stand Push-Ups practice (10 min)
If you have HSPU, perform the following:
3 rounds (not for time):
Max strict HSPU, straight into max kipping HSPU
Use this time to practice HSPU technique. If you cannot perform HSPU, attempt from a box (pike position or from knees), or push-ups from the floor. We may not be doing HSPU in the metcon, but they are going to show up in the coming weeks so we are going to practice.
In a 18 minute window:
1 mile run
Use the rest of the time to establish a heavy 3-rep deadlift
The faster you run, the more time you have to deadlift! Record run time and deadlift weight. We will be running an actual mile, not the hill run.