Monday 4/30
For time:
400m run
20 power snatch (95/65)
400m run
15 power snatch (115/75)
0.6 mi assault bike
10 power snatch (135/95)
0.6 mi assault bike
5 power snatch (155/105)
Remember to scale the weight to something that is manageable for you.
Tuesday 5/1
20 minutes, build to a heavy:
2-position clean + jerk
The two positions for today are a hang clean from the knee, and then from the floor. So the complex will look like this:
Hang clean (from knee) + clean (squat clean from floor) + jerk (split jerk preferred)
15 KB swings (70/53)
15 burpees
We are doing American KB swings today (all the way overhead). The WOD is short but should be a burner. Remember to really use your hips to generate power for the KB swings.
Wednesday 5/2
Back squat 5×2
I would like to see all five working sets be challenging. Try to beat the weight you did for a set of three from last week. You can build in weight over the sets, ending around 85%-90% of your 1RM back squat.
For time:
30 sit-ups
30 pull-ups
30 sit-ups
20 CTB pull-ups*
30 sit-ups
10 muscle-ups**
Time cap = 14 minutes
*Sub pull-ups for CTB pull-ups
**Sub 10 CTB pull-ups (or regular kipping if you don’t have CTB) + 10 ring dips for muscle-ups
Today’s metcon focus is on pull-ups. If you are still working on getting your first pull-up, sub in ring-rows or banded pull-ups. Beginner option:
For time:
30 sit-ups
20 ring rows or jumping pull-ups
30 sit-ups
15 ring rows
30 sit-ups
10 banded pull-ups
Thursday 5/3
Seated single arm DB press 3×10
Perform 10 seated single arm DB press on one arm, then 10 on the other for one set. Try to find the right weight in a couple of warm up sets (warm-up sets do not need to be 10 reps), and perform the three working sets at a challenging weight.
For time:
1k row
– rest 5 min –
Max push press (95/65)
Every time you break perform 15 air squats
Friday 5/4
Clean deadlift 5×3
Buy-in: 200 double unders (perform only once)
5 deadlift (275/185)
5 strict pull-ups
200m run
Final week of the double under challenge. We start with a 200 rep buy-in of double unders. This should challenge even the advanced athletes. Give this one your best go, but if 200 double unders is out of the question, we will cap the time you spend on double unders at 5 minutes.
All scaling of the pull-ups should be strict (i.e. strict banded pull-ups, ring rows).