Memorial Day Murph
We will be doing Murph on Monday May 28th this year, heats with a coach led warm-up will run at 9am and 10:30am. More info on Murph here.
Outlier Civil War
Civil War is upon us! This is an intra-gym competition where Outliers will compete in large teams lead by a designated coach for a full day of CrossFit fun. Mark your calendars for Saturday July 14th and reserve the whole day. More info on the Civil War here.
Monday 5/14
For time:
Buy-in: 1.2 mi bike
Ring dips
KB swings (53/35)
Cash out: 6 rope climbs
Stagger the start time if needed.
Ring dip modifications:
Bar dips
Banded ring dips
Rope climb modifications:
Lying to standing rope pull-up
3 x 25 sit-up
Abmat sit-up
Weighted sit-ups
GHD sit-up
Tuesday 5/15
EMOM 10:
3 heavy touch and go deadlifts
For time:
Buy-in: 800m run
Deadlift (225/155)
Bar facing burpee
Wednesday 5/16
EMOM 18:
Min 1 – 7 power clean (95/65) + 7 front squats
Min 2 – 50 double unders
Min 3 – 15/12 calorie row
Some barbell cycling tips…pull those pants down! The video is for power snatch, but a similar technique applies to power clean.
Bonus (non-coached)
4 rounds:
A1) 8 bulgarian split squat (each leg, use KB as needed)
A2) 10 strict chin-ups (or more than 10 if you can keep going unbroken)
Superset between A1 and A2. Choose your own weight (hold KB in goblet position or hold one KB in each arm). Chin-ups = supinated grip.
Thursday 5/17
Every 90 seconds for 9 minutes (6 sets):
1 snatch + 3 OHS
Snatch = squat snatch during strength sessions. Warm up to at least 60% of your 1RM snatch. Build over the 6 sets.
Jumping “Randy”
For time:
75 power snatch (75/55)
8 box jumps (24/20) on the minute beginning at 1:00
Benchmark workout Randy with a jumping twist. If the 8 box jumps are going to eat up too much time, consider reducing the box jump reps.
Scaling options:
Reduce snatch and/or box jump reps
Friday 5/18
10 back squat (175/115)
10 CTB pull-ups
-2 min rest-
10 CTB pull-ups
50m sled push (4/3) or sled pulls (3/2, red plates)
-2 min rest-
10 back squat (175/115)
50m sled push (4/3) or sled pull (3/2, red plates)
Back squats are from the floor, so you will have to clean the bar to the front rack position, than transition the bar to your back (via mini push press). Choose your weight wisely, the goal is to complete the 10 back squat reps unbroken. Practice before the WOD begins. If you feel like you can squat the weight for 10 reps but are struggling with the clean and transition to the back, then you still need to scale the weight appropriately. Sled pushes/pulls are to the end of the stairs and back.