Mock powerlifting meet on Saturday August 18th! The main purpose of this is to get our athletes that are competing in an actual meet in September ready. But, the meet at Outlier is open to all members for free! It doesn’t matter if you are a powerlifter or not, come test our your back squat, bench press, and deadlift on August 18th in an organized setting. We will post more info as the event approaches.
Programming Note
This marks the first week of a 6 week snatch cycle. It won’t be the only strength movement we do, but there will be more of an emphasis on snatch movements each week. Also, most squat days will be at a prescribed percentage of your 1 rep max. Read the notes for that day’s movements, often all sets should be done at the prescribed percentage.
Monday 7/23
Hang snatch 6×3
Starting off our snatch cycle with some hang snatches. Athletes should deadlift the barbell to a standing position, then perform 3 hang snatches. Any hang position is acceptable, newer athletes should practice from just above the knees and can perform power snatches. Reps may be performed unbroken or the barbell may be dropped between reps. Build in weight over the 6 sets.
Crossfit Main Site WOD 180709
50 double unders
10 overhead squats (135/95)
Scale the reps and weight so that the sets can be done quickly and unbroken.
Extra credit (non coached)
3 rounds, NFT:
Max strict pull-ups
10L/10R single leg RDL (use DB or KB)