Friday August 10, 6:30pm – Outliers Drink Beer at Benchmark Brewing Company
Saturday August 18th – Outlier Mock Powerlifting Meet
Saturday September 1st – Hero WOD Saturday: “Hotshots 19”
New shirts just in time for the end of summer, click here for info
Monday 7/30
Back squat 5×5 @ 73%
Warm up them complete 5 working sets at 73% of your 1 rep max back squat. 73% may seem like an odd number, but the point is to go slightly heavier than last week (if you did last Wednesday’s squats).
EMOM 12:
Min 1 – 16 pull-ups
Min 2 – 16 single arm overhead DB lunges (50/35)
Min 3 – rest
The EMOM is meant to incorporate higher skilled movements that may take most of the minute to complete. Push through the movements quickly and recover during the rest minute.
Scaling options:
Reduce number of reps so that the work can be done in 45 seconds or less
Reduce lunge weight
Jumping pull-ups or ring rows
Tuesday 7/31
Every 90 sec for 12 min (8 sets):
2 power snatch + 2 overhead squat
Week 2 of snatch cycle.
For time:
400m run
120 double unders
80 Russian KB swings (70/53)
40 burpees
20 overhead squats (115/75)
Wednesday 8/1
3 rounds, NFT:
5-8 muscle-ups
5-10 strict pull-ups
NFT = not for time
The sets do not need to be unbroken. Choose your number of reps based on your ability level. Rest approximately 90-120 seconds between sets.
If using bands for strict pull-ups, it is recommended to attach them between two j-cups at a height that will make for a challenging set of 5 or more.
8 hang power clean (135/95)
1 legless rope climb
18 wall ball (20/14)
8-1-18 rep scheme to celebrate the beginning of the 2018 CrossFit Games. Click here for info on how to watch the CrossFit Games.
Scaling options:
Lower weight cleans
Regular rope climb or 3 lying to standing rope pulls
Thursday 8/2
3 rounds, NFT:
15 GHD sit-ups or 25 abmat sit-ups
2L/2R Turkish get-ups (KB or DB)
4 rounds:
16/12 calorie bike
12 alt arm DB snatch (50/35)
12 DB box step over (2 x 50/35)
Kettlebells may be used if there are not enough dumbbells
Friday 8/3
Every 90 seconds for 9 minutes (6 sets):
3 snatch grip push press (from rack)
For time, teams of 2:
3000m row, switch every 300m
Every time you switch, the person coming off the rower performs 8 thrusters (95/35), including at 0:00.
Scale the weight so that you can perform the thrusters unbroken. The workout will begin with one person on the rower and the other performing 8 thrusters. The workout ends when the rower hits 3000m, no need do any thrusters at the end.
If biking, the distance is 4.2 miles, switching every 0.4 miles. Bikes shall only be used if there are not enough rowers.