Gymnastics with Coach Jess starts this Monday (9/17). The 6pm will be transformed into gymnastics work for the next 6 weeks. Make sure to reserve your spot in class by enrolling here.
Saturday 9/22 is friends and family day, bring a friend to the 8am or 10:30am CrossFit class for free! The workout will be well suited for beginners. Remember our back to school special is still in effect, $99 for their first month.
The Halloween Throwdown is Saturday October 27. Check out all the info here. Find your partner and get signed up, outliers can use the code “OUTLIERCOMP” for a $10 discount (no expiration on this code).
Programming Note
We begin a cycle of pushing and pulling this week. Those are two movements that occur pretty much daily in some way or another, but there will be an effort to expose everyone to different kinds of movements, perhaps some you haven’t done before. At the end of the 6 weeks, we will test our deadlift and push press.
Monday 9/17
Deadlift 5×5
All deadlift should be dead stop (no touch and go). Build to a challenging set of 5.
20 sec work, 10 sec rest for 8 min (tabata style):
1st interval: pull-ups:
2nd interval: plank hold
Alternate between the two movements at each 20 sec interval:
20 seconds of pull-ups, 10 sec rest
20 seconds of plank, 10 sec rest
20 seconds of pull-ups, 10 sec rest
20 seconds of plank, 10 sec rest
…continue for 8 minutes
Scale to jumping pull-ups or ring rows. Score is number of pull-ups complete.
Extra credit (non-coached)
Tabata calories on bike
Tuesday 9/18
3 rounds, NFT:
10-15 GHD hip extension
30 sec sandbag hold
Challenge yourself on the sandbag hold, we have some bags filled to 150#, 100#, and 70#.
Teams of 2, AMRAP 16:
18 wall ball (20/14)
12 cal row/bike
9 box jump overs (24/20)
Partners shall alternate movements, for example:
partner A – 18 wall ball
partner B – 12 cal row
parnter A – 9 BJO
partner B – 18 wall ball
Wednesday 9/19
Strict press 4×8
Build to a heavy set of 8 barbell strict press.
4 rounds:
20 DB snatch (50/35)
10 ring dips*
200m run
*Rx+ 5 muscle-ups
Thursday 9/20
15 burpee DB deadlift (2 x 45/25)
20 toes-to-bar
25 DB front squats (2 x 45/25)
30 cal row
Burpee DB deadlift:
Perform burpee with hands on DBs, then stand up by deadlifting the DBs (one DB in each hand).
Friday 9/21
Front squat 5×5
Build to a heavy set of 5 front squat.
10-8-6-4-2 power cleans (205/135)
60-50-40-30-20 double unders
70m KB front rack carry between rounds (2 x 53/35)
-16 min cap-
The sequence is as follows:
round 1 – 10 power cleans, 60 double unders, 70m front rack carry
round 2 – 8 power cleans, 50 double unders, 70m front rack carry