The Mocking Games
The Mocking Games are coming to Outlier CrossFit on Saturday September 14th! All the workouts have been released so time to get your team signed up. Get all the info here.
8:00am and 10:30am CrossFit
For time, in teams of 2:
100 wall balls (20/14)
80 DB snatch, alt arm (50/35)
60 thrusters (95/65)
40 sandbag over shoulder
One partner works while the other performs a 200m KB farmer’s carry (2 x 35/26)*
-25:00 hard cap-
One partner works on the reps while the other completes the farmer’s carry. When one partner finishes the carry, trade spots, pick up on the reps where they left off. Pick a sandbag weight that is appropriate for your team!
*Farmer’s carry is on the lighter side today. Rx+ = 2 x 53/35
Barbell with coach Kyle