Upcoming Events
Save the date! The Outlier holiday party is on Saturday December 14th. Food, drinks, music, and fun. The theme this year is “Pajama Jam”. Be ready to wear pajamas and party.
Thanksgiving Week Schedule Modifications
Wednesday 11/27: no 6 or 7pm classes
Thursday 11/28 (Thanksgiving): one class at 9am* (friends and family WOD)
Friday 11/29: Classes at 8am* and 9am only
Normal schedule Saturday/Sunday
*Indicates childcare provided
8:00am and 10:30am CrossFit
AMRAP 20, in teams of 3:
70 wall balls (20/14)
60 toes-to-bar
50 DB clean and jerks (2 x 50/35)
40 DB box step-overs (2 x 50/35, 24/20)
*1 partner holds sandbag (bearhug) while the other two split up the reps. Rotate as needed. Reps can only be performed while a sandbag is being held.
Barbell with coach Nuno