Welcome Back!
Outlier is back in business after nearly 3 months off, and we are super excited to have everyone back in. Don’t forget that you are required to enroll in classes in advance via Pike13, registration open up 25 hours in advance for each class. Also, please review our reopening protocols for entry into the gym and participation in classes. Please note the following updates:
Children in the gym. Beginning Monday 6/15, children meeting the below criteria will be allowed to accompany their parents into to the gym for the duration of a class. Please note that supervised childcare is not being provided just yet, we hope to open that back up soon.
- Children must be able to occupy themselves without interrupting the class or requiring parental assistance.
- There are three separate areas available for children of the same household to use: the kids room, the couch, and the balcony. Children must remain within the confines of the area for the duration of the class.
- Young children confined to stroller (or similar) will be allowed to be on the floor adjacent to their parents. These situations will be given priority to the corner/edge lanes.
- Children of different households will not be allowed to co-mingle
- Parents shall clean/sanitize the area after use.
- Communal toys will be removed from the kids room. Parents may bring toys for their children to use, but they must be taken home.
- Published COVID-19 safety protocols apply to children as well (i.e. temperature scans and masks upon entry).
- Use of these areas MUST is by appointment only, and must be confirmed prior to each use. Email info@outliercrossfit.com at least 12 hours in advance to reserve your spot.
- Outlier coaches will have priority to these spots (when they are coaching).
OutWOD Fundraiser
Outlier will be participating in the “Infiltrate With Love” campaign presented by The Out Foundation. This year, a portion of proceeds raised will be donated to the National Black Justice Coalition. Click here to learn more about he fundraiser.
On June 28th, Outlier will participate in a special workout named “Stonewall”, in reference to the Stonewall Riots that served as a catalyst for the gay rights movement in the United States and around the world.
Want to donate to our cause? Click here to donate to Outlier’s fundraising effort.
Programming Note
Please note that the workouts for the first month back in the gym will reflect a conscious effort to reintroduce some of the complex movements or heavy weights that you may normally be used to. Yes everything is scale-able, most of us have not had access to all the toys you find in the gym, so we are going to take our time. Please communicate with the coaches if you have a question about how to scale any of the workouts to fit your current level of fitness, that is one of the reason’s we are here!
Back Squat
Perform 5 working sets of 5 reps each. For many, this may be the first time in while performing barbell back squats, so the idea is to ease back into it. No set percentages, build in weight as needed.
15 Russian KB swings (53/35)
30 double unders
Classes will spend time practicing the skill of the kipping pull-up.
5 rounds:
4/3 strict pull-ups
16 abmat sit-ups
8 kipping pull-ups
16/12 cal bike or row
In terms of time per movement, the workout is skewed towards the calories and sit-ups. This is on purpose, like it or not, if you haven’t been doing work on the rig, your hands are going to be tender and we need to ease those muscle groups and joints back into the “swing” of things. Up to speed on your pull-ups? Then you just get to go faster!
15 minutes to build to a heavy set of the following complex:
Power clean + hang squat clean
Beginners may scale to sets of 3 hang power cleans.
300m run
6 hang squat clean (135/95)
12 push-ups
EMOM 24:
Min 1 – 3 deadlift @ 70% of 1RM
Min 2 – 20 single-arm DB shoulder-to-overhead (50/35)
Min 3 – Max calories on bike or rower
Min 4 – Rest
Score is total calories across all 6 rounds. Split the DB shoulder-to-overhead reps between arms as needed.
In 18 minutes:
Build to today’s heavy snatch double
You may drop the bar between reps. Beginners may perform a power snatch + OHS.
3 rounds:
20 toes-to-rings or lying knee tucks
15 overhead squats (95/65)
10 burpees
-12:00 cap-