Apparel Re-Print
As you all have seen, the new swag is in! If you haven’t picked up your pre-order, please do so the next time you are in. Your items have your name on them and are sitting on the table in the entryway. Also, there is a variety of shirts, tanks, long sleeve shirts, and sweatshirts hanging up that are for sale. Please take a look and jot your name down (with what you are purchasing) on the clipboard below the hanging items.
A number of people have asked about getting more items that were part of the pre-order. We can certainly do that! I spoke to Dave (our printer) and he is down for a reprint. To keep it simple, please message or email me at with the item you would like (please include size, style, and color). For a summary of items available, please click here.
Child Sitting Update
Child sitting is still available! We are moving to an on-call system. Maria will be available any weekday morning at 8:30am, but you must give notice by 5pm the day before. Please message or email me ( To set it up.
The same applies to Saturday mornings at 8am. Our sitter Emily is still available as long as week give enough notice. Please me in touch as early as possible if you would like to make use of child sitting.
8:00am Workout of the Day
10 rounds, in teams of 2:
1 round of DB “DT” (2 x 50/35)
10 burpees
200m run
One partner performs a full round while the other rests. Alternate rounds with your partner, performing 5 rounds each. Goal is sub 3:00 each round.
DB “DT” = 12 DB deadlift, 9 DB hang power clean, 6 DB jerks
This can be performed solo:
5 rounds:
1 round of DB “DT”
10 burpees
200m run
-Rest 1:1-
Rest 1:1 – equal work/rest ratio. So if it takes you 3:00 to perform a round, rest for 3:00 after each round.
Barbell with Coach Kyle