We are going to be shifting focus for the next 4-5 weeks on improving your overhead position, specifically working on overhead squats. Very rarely does someone walk into the gym and start with great overhead position. There are A LOT of muscles that go into play to stabilize the bar overhead and then execute a good overhead squat.
During this next cycle, we will work on a front/back squat combo early in the week and then full overhead squats at the end of the week. Every day we will be doing exercises in the warm ups that will work on improving your position in overhead squats. You don’t need to overhead squat every day to see an improvement. By consistently focusing on the drills presented, you’ll see notable improvement over the course of this cycle. Here’s the catch, you have to come do the work, AND you need to make sure you are getting the full benefit of the stretches, mobility and drills we are doing. We will be linking some videos up throughout the cycle with mobility tips and drills to work on. Most of these will be incorporated during your classes but there are a few challenges thrown out there to do on your own as well. Be sure to watch the demo videos and ask a coach if you need clarification!