As most of you may now, here at Outlier CrossFit we have a program that we offer in addition to the regular classes. We call it the Hybrid Program. This program was designed to help provide guided programming through additional skill and strength work outside of the classes.
What we are excited to talk about is how we have expanded the program! Coach Abdul and Coach Paul put their heads together and developed something that literally everyone at the gym can benefit from joining. Lots of times people have an obvious gap or gaps in their abilities. Whether it be barbell movements, gymnastic ability or being able to keep up on the metcons.
The hybrid program has accessory work everyday (Monday – Friday) that you can choose from to complete after your class. Each day there is homework for barbell strength and skill, gymnastic homework as well as extra conditioning you can add to help burn more energy and increase your lung capacity. For those of you that want to get your first strict pull up or even your muscle ups for the first time, we have created progression programs within the program that will specifically focus on these goals.
The program is not meant for you to complete all of the work written in it, it is meant for you to pick a few items that would benefit you the most in your CrossFit journey! Whether you are new or have been doing this for several years, you can benefit from following this. One of the goals of this program is to build members into having a complete skill set of a veteran CrossFitter. This would include being able to do handstand push ups, muscle ups (bar and rings), dips, pull ups, handstand walks, pistol and be proficient in the olympic lifts.
The beauty of the program is that regardless of the focus that you follow on the hybrid program the core of it is the classes and being a part of the community. Being a part of the gym family is where the fun is and where we progress the most. Now when you want to spend some extra time expanding the areas you need help in, you have a guided path and coaches to help you. We have designated coaching hours where a coach will be present at the following times to lead people through the programming and answer any questions:
8:30-9:30am Monday and Wednesday
5-7pm Tuesday and Thursday
If you can’t make these times, you can still do the program after you’ve completed the class (during gym hours). The accessory work will be provided to you via a google doc with everyone that is a member of the group. Each week the weightlifting, gymnastics, and conditioning tabs will be updated with the programming for the upcoming week by Sunday evening.
Coach Abdul and Coach Paul will be available to guide you in the direction that will fit your goals and assist you with how to benefit most with the Hybrid Program that is now available!
If you are interested in the program, please reach out to Coach Abdul ( or Coach Paul ( with your questions or to get yourself signed up today!