Happy Thanksgiving! We will only have a 9 and 10 AM Class today! Come on in and complete the following WOD so you can enjoy all of the food later with a little less guilt!
Thanksgiving Day Partner WOD:
2 People Complete the Following Chipper for time:
800 Meter Relay Run (each partner runs 400 meters)
200 Doubleunders
200 Lunges with 45/25 lb plate overhead
1000 Meter Relay Row (breakup as much as needed)
100 Bar Over Burpees
100 Deadlifts (155/105)
1.2 Miles on the BIke
50 Overhead Squats(115/75)
50 Toes to Bar
400 Meter Sandbag Carry (trade off the sandbag as often as you would like)
*1 partner works at a time