It is a week of good bye’s…Coach Jess’s last class is Tuesday! She will be coaching the 5:30am, 6:30am, 8:15am, 9:15am, and 12pm classes. We are going to potluck it in the morning, bring something to share and hang out between classes as we say goodbye to Jess.
Coach Jaclyn’s last class will be Thursday, she coaches the 4pm and 5pm classes. She will be around on Saturday, so after the Hero WOD let’s potluck and as we say goodbye to Jaclyn.
8:00am and 10:30am CrossFit
Spend 10 minutes warming up the barbell complex (clean + push press) for the metcon. Warm-up to approximately 65% – 75% of anticipated push press.
22 minutes:
100 double unders (3 min cap)
50/40 cal bike or row
40 single arm Russian KB swings (70/53)
70m sled push (4/3)
20 burpees
Establish a max push press (from floor) in the time remaining.
Record part A time and maximum weight lifted. Since the push press begins from the floor, athletes must perform a clean first (power or squat clean permitted). Athletes may share barbells if needed.
9:00am – Barbell with Coach Paul