Banded shoulder warmup
Hang power clean+Press 5-Push press 3 Push jerk 1-4 sets 70% press
“Grip and Rip”
4 rds
7 hang power clean and Jerks 95/65
7 strict pullups
7 strict Ring dips
14 box jump overs 24/20
Roll quads/shoulder mobility
The strength is there to warmup up the hang clean as well as improve strength and technique with all of the overhead lifts. Base this off your press weight as this will be the limiting factor.
The weight should be scaled to be unbroken. The pullups should be strict as they are going to make you stronger and won’t put as much stress on the shoulder joints. Today’s wod should be scaled where the pullups and dips can be done in 2 sets with short rests for most of the wod if needed.