5 Sets of:
Push Press x 3
(2 second pause at the top of the press)
V-Ups x 15
Rest as needed between supersets.
“Dragon, Not Lizard”
Complete the following for time:
50 Russian Kettlebell Swings 70/53
50 Thrusters 75/45
50 cal Bike/Row
50 Russian Kettlebell Swings 53/35
50 Thrusters 65/35
50 cal Bike/Row
We start this lovely Friday with five sets of three push presses with a two second pause at the top of each rep. Make sure you focus on good positioning with your dip and are aggressive with your drive. The two second pause at the top of the push press is to help improve overhead stability. Remember to squeeze your butts, get your hips under your body and not let your ribs stick out.
Our WOD for today is a straight three movement chipper. The Russian Kettlebell Swings are a little heavier so it may take a little bit of time to get through it, but the Thrusters are a bit lighter than we normally do so try to hang on to the bar and knock out bigger sets on the Thrusters. Once you get on the Bike or Rower it’s all out for those 50 calories. Grip and Rip, baby!