5 Sets of:
Overhead Squats x 2 @ 32X1
Build over the 5 sets
“CFC Conditioning Test”
EMOM until failure of:
1 Thruster 95/65
2 Burpees
3 Thrusters 95/65
4 Burpees…..
Thrusters @ 75/55
Starting off the Friday with some Tempo Overhead Squats! The tempo will improve core and shoulder stability while teaching you control with weight overhead. Like the Tempo Front Squats, if you struggle with standing the weight up from the bottom of a Snatch, then Tempo Overhead Squats will be your saving grace. You will learn to keep your core tight at the bottom of the overhead squat and train your central nervous system to activate the appropriate muscle groups quickly, helping you stand the weight up.
What kind of week would it be at Outlier CrossFit without some good ol’ Thrusters? Today those come in the form of the CrossFit Coronado Conditioning Test. A long standing test at CFC, this WOD is a great indicator of progress in overall conditioning. Progress in conditioning can be separated into 2 general time-sensitive categories. The first category is the short-to-mid term progress. Within a few weeks to a few months, you will see increased efficiency in movements due to improvements in technique and physiological changes, such as how quickly your brain can signal a specific muscle group to activate. You will also see improvements in strength due to increases in muscle density and muscle hypertrophy (fancy way to say muscle size AKA swollness level). The second category is the long term progress. After months of consistent and hard work, your body will improve your aerobic capacity. This, like the efficiency of movements, happens from a combination of different things. Increased count and activity of mitochondria in your muscles (the power plant of your muscle), increased circulatory system functions (heart works more efficiently), increases in red blood cell count (which transport oxygen around your body) are just a few examples.