The Swolemate Showdown is just around the corner! Mark your calendars for February 9th, 2019. All the workouts have been released. Grab your swolemate and get signed up!
Holiday Schedule Modifications
Open gym 7-11am, one class only at 8:30am (free childcare today!)
Tuesday 1/1 – Open gym 9-11am, one class only at 9am (no childcare)
Normal schedule resumes Tuesday 1/2
The Swolemate Showdown is just around the corner! Mark your calendars for February 9th, 2019. All workouts have been released! Grab your swolemate and get signed up!
For time:
80 air squats
70 DB snatch (50/35)
60 push-ups
50 toes-to-bar
400m run
30 box jumps (24/20)
20 KB goblet squats (70/53)
10 KB shoulder to overhead, each arm (70/53)*
*10 reps each arm (20 total). Perform 10 with one arm before switching to the other side.
Scaling Options:
DB/KB movements – reduce weight
TTB – hanging knee raises, GHD sit-ups, v-ups, abmat sit-ups
KB shoulder to overhead – use DBs if needed
Beginner option:
60 air squats
50 DB snatch
40 push-ups from knees or to box
30 abmat sit-ups
300m run
20 box step-ups
15 DB goblet squats
10 DB shoulder to overhead, each arm
Use the same dumbbell for the snatch, goblet squats, and shoulder to overhead