5 Sets of:
Front Squat* x 7 @ Build to today’s heaviest set
*Taken from the floor.
“An Offer He Can’t Refuse”
Complete the following for time:
800m Run
30 “Curtis P”* 115/75
1000m Row
*”Curtis P” is 1 Power Clean + 2 Alternating Lunges
6 sec snatches6x2
then 1 6 sec snatch+1 Snatch
Power clean 4×5 70%
Changing it up today by taking the Front Squats from the Floor. Obviously you will need to Clean the weight in order to initiate these squats. Squat or Power Cleans are both acceptable, with Squat Cleans being more efficient because standing the bar up from the Squat Clean will count as your first squat. You’re building to today’s heaviest set over 5 sets so you have time to make moderate jumps.
No better way to start the week than with a little Curtis P in your lives. The weight is on the lighter side so once you get back from your Run, make the effort to get that first rep started quickly. Your Lunges can be either forward or reverse, but I personally prefer reverse Lunges when I have a front-racked barbell because it is easier for me to keep my chest up going through the range of motion of the movement. Your glutes will be a little toasty going into that Row but hunker down and fight for a good pace. Use those legs and drive through your heels!