A Few Notes…
Beginning today, workouts will take place outside. Please enter the gym as your normally do, and make your way to the back. Our primary location will be the back alley, but we may use the front parking lot on occasion.
Also, we received notice that Riverdale Street will be getting re-paved today (Saturday 11/14) and Thursday 11/19. It is unclear whether or not we will have access from the street into the business park. Please allow time to park on the adjacent streets and walk over if needed.
8:00am Workout of the Day
Every 8:00 x 3:
400m run
30 DB push press (50/35)
200m run
30 DB snatch (50/35)
Goal: Complete each round in 5-6 minutes. Scale the weight, reps, or run distance to finish in that time domain.
Record time of each round for entry into SugarWOD, score is sum total of all rounds. DB movements are single-arm. Split reps as needed between.
Barbell with Coach Paul