3 Rounds
10 Strict pullups
5/5 TGU
“The Breakfast club”
5 min AMRAP rest 2 min, 6 min AMRAP rest 2 min 7 min AMRAP
5/5 KB hang cln and Jerks 53/35
10 SDHP 53/35
10 TTB
30 Du
The pullups and TGU are movements that build shoulder stability. The TGU also help train the obliques which are crucial in core stability.
The wod is the exact opposite of yesterday. Here you must pace yourself. The rest will allow you to maintain a faster pace, but you should still focus on holding a pace you can maintain and not go to hard out of the gate. This way, you will actually maintain a much higher average speed and get a better score.
Power clean+clean+Jerk 7 sets work up to a heavy set
then 3rds 10% of above
DB press 3×10
Back ext 3×20