Tuesday 10 October
15sec x 4 min Squat (hold 15lb plate in goblet position)
Front squat @ 75-80% 32X1 (3 second descent, 2 second pause, Xplode up , 1 second hold at top)
“Satan’s Whiskers”
3 Rounds
10 Chest 2 bar pullups
10 front squats 165/115
10 burpees
Roll Quads
The tempo squats help teach control as well as strengthen the weak points in the lift. This movement will help fix the issue of bottoming out and losing your lumbar curve. This forces you to stay engaged and develop the posterior chain. The wod is classic CrossFit with 3 movements that each skyrocket the heart rate. Aim for unbroken on the squats and burpees and scale the pullups as needed.
Snatch 3×2 @ 80% 3×2 @ 85%
Snatch Pulls 4×5 105%
3×5 Behind-the-Neck PP 80%
3×15/15 GHD Russian Twists