EMOM for 8 minutes of:
[Power Clean + Jerk] x 2
“I Love Lamp”
4 Rounds For Time of:
400m Run
6 Power Clean and Jerks 145/100
12 Ring Push Ups
To Be Announced…
Today we focus on barbell cycling in the form of Power Clean and Jerks. Treat the strength portion as a primer for the workout but go as heavy as you can while stringing the two reps together.
The MetCon today is geared towards practicing barbell cycling under the stress of fatigue from a Run and the Ring Push Ups. Body positioning and technique will carry you through those Power Clean and Jerks, so stay focused on that barbell. The weights are slightly heavier than the traditional 135/95 weight we typically see so that the next time you have a workout with 135/95, if will feel easier and you will have more confidence picking up that bar and getting through those reps quicker.