Close Grip Bench 3×8 add from last week
3 sets
5 min AMRAP
Row/Bike 500m/.6
12 Ball slams 40/30
50m front rack carry 70/53
Max HSPU in remaining time
rest 2 min
Today we will work on connecting KHSPU. If you don’t have these, don’t worry, we can scale it as needed. You will most likely see them this week or next week for the open wod. These movements are a skill. As such they need to be practiced when you are fresh. We are going to add a little bit of weight this week on bench. We are going to keep this up and max out after the open. For the wod, the goal is to get to the HSPU with as much time on the clock as possible. If you don’t have HSPU, we can help you come up with appropriate scales.