5 Sets of:
Push Jerk* x 3
*with a 2 second hold in the receiving position
“A Dish Best Served Cold”
Complete the following for time:
100 Double Unders
10, 9, 8, 7….1 reps of:
Push Jerks 135/95
100 Double Unders
5×3 hang cleans 75%
hang power snatch 5×2 70%
3×20 back ext
Last week we worked on Push Press with a 2 second hold at the top, today we move on to Push Jerks with a 2 second pause in the receiving position. This will teach you to stabilize that receiving position as well as get more comfortable here before you recover. The more comfortable you are in this position the more efficiently you will be able to cycle reps and the more weight you will be able to lift.
The WOD today is a combination of Push Jerks and Toes-to-Bars with a Double Under Buy-In and Cash-Out. The Double Unders at the start will get your shoulders a little toasty for those Push Jerks and Toes-to-Bars, the Double Unders at the end will be a mental test of how long you can hang onto the movement. This Countdown Rep Scheme can be deceptively challenging if you start out too hot. If the weight is a little heavier for you or you are not as fluid on the Toes-to-Bars, you will benefit a lot more from breaking up the bigger sets at the start. Once you get down to the set of 5 reps and under you want to hold onto the bar.