June 23rd: Outlier Beach WOD
June 23rd: Proving Grounds Team Fit competition, come support Norm, Karis, and Tom
July 14th: Civil War, more info here
Tuesday 6/5
Strength / Skill
Tabata med ball Russian twists (not scored)
3 Rounds For Time:
500 Meter Row
400 Meter Run
-Rest 3 Minutes Between Rounds-
A simple, but effective combination of running and rowing intervals today. Athletes will Row 500 Meters and Run 400 Meters, resting 3 minutes between each of the three rounds. Your score is the cumulative time (including rest) it takes to complete the three rounds.
If unable to run, substitute 0.7 miles on the bike.
Extra credit (non-coached)
4 rounds:
5 bench press
10 GHD hip extensions