C2B skills
Power clean+3front squat every 1:30X6-work up to heaviest weight
“Renaissance Man”
400m run
10 Front squats 135/95
10 C2B pullups
10 ring dips
400m run
8 Front squats 155/105
8 C2B
8 ring dips
400m run
6 Front squats 185/125
6 C2B
6 Ring dips
400m Run
4 Front squats 205/135
4 C2B pullups
4 Ring dips
400m run
2 Front squats 225/155
2 C2B pullups
2 Ring dips
couch stretch
This is a ladder wod designed to force you to move weight when tired. Make sure you breath between every rep on the squats. It will help you later down the line. Pick weights that are challenging but do able in unbroken sets. This wod will hit all 3 energy systems in some capacity. The dips can be scaled with a straight bar or as ring pushups if needed.