Bar muscle up skills
“Action Jackson”
50 abmat situps
Run 600m
5 Bar muscle ups
40 Jumping lunges
30 Push press 95/65
20 cal row/bike
10 strict pullups
Run 400m
5 Bar Muscle ups
20 Jumping lunges
15 Push press 95/65
10 cal Row/bike
5 strict pullups
50 ab mat situps
We are going to start adding in more bar muscle ups. We have done lots of toes to bar and pullups so this is the next step. The kipping motion here will also carry over to the high rings. This chipper is set up so that you can maintain a fast pace the whole time. Don’t ever go to failure on muscle ups. It will take exponentially longer to recover. Try the best you can to get each movement in as few of sets as possible. Run hard!