Wednesday 5/2
Back squat 5×2
I would like to see all five working sets be challenging. Try to beat the weight you did for a set of three from last week. You can build in weight over the sets, ending around 85%-90% of your 1RM back squat.
For time:
30 sit-ups
30 pull-ups
30 sit-ups
20 CTB pull-ups*
30 sit-ups
10 muscle-ups**
Time cap = 14 minutes
*Sub pull-ups for CTB pull-ups
**Sub 10 CTB pull-ups (or regular kipping if you don’t have CTB) + 10 ring dips for muscle-ups
Today’s metcon focus is on pull-ups. If you are still working on getting your first pull-up, sub in ring-rows or banded pull-ups. Beginner option:
For time:
30 sit-ups
20 ring rows or jumping pull-ups
30 sit-ups
15 ring rows
30 sit-ups
10 banded pull-ups