KB warmup
Bulgarian Split Squats 8/8 + 8 strict pullups + 15 back extensions x 3
3 min AMRAP
200m run
15 KBS 70/53
10 True pushups
Max Ball Slam Jump Overs 40/30
1 min rest
Repeat x 4
Score is max ball slam jump overs
Roll gluts and lower back
The BSS and back extensions will strengthen the posterior chain and help create balance. They also will not load the spine to the same extent as a barbell. Monday’s wod was very taxing on the CNS and we need a few days off the heavy barbell. Your goal is to get to the ball slams with as much time left as possible. After each ball slam you will jump over the ball with your feet together. This workout is meant to be quick and intense with built in rest. Try to not stop during the work interval.