The next cycle will include overhead squats, Front squats, and the benchmark WOD, Nancy. This next week will be a deload week from heavy squatting, and at the end of the following week we will end with a max overhead squat and Nancy. We will retest OHS at the end of July, and Front squat mid August. There will be focused mobility work included to improve overhead position that will coincide with the cycle. I am hoping that focusing on overhead position every day, along with OHS 1xweek, will result in some drastic PR’s. Keep up the hard work!
Monday, June 27th
EMOTM for 8 Minutes:
Power clean + Full clean x 2
21 Squat Cleans (135/95)
1 Rope Climb
15 Thrusters (135/95)
1 Rope Climb
9 Power Clean and Jerks (135/95)
1 Rope Climb
Tuesday, June 28th
Deadlift – 12 minutes to work up to 2 @ 85%
3 Rounds for time of:
800 Meter Run
32 Abmat Sit Ups
8 Deadlifts (315/205)
Wednesday, June 29th
OHS 3×10 @ 75% of 1 RM Snatch
AMRAP in 10 Minutes of:
10 Front Squats x 2 – 53/35 KB
30 Doubleunders
Thursday, June 30th
Push Press 1 Rep Max
27-18-9 Reps of:
Cal bike/row
Knees to elbows
Burpee box jumps
Friday, July 1st
Teams of 2 while 1 works/1 rests
100 Russian Kettlebells (70/53)
80 Wall Balls (20/14)
60 Dumbbell Push Press 45/25
40 Walking Lunges 45/25
Sled push down and back 50m each (5/4)
50 Back Squat (225/155) from the ground
Saturday, July 2nd
8 and 10:30 AM CrossFit WOD
9-10:30AM – Barbell Proficiency Class
11:30 AM – Introduction to CrossFit
Sunday, July 3rd
9 AM – Free-For-All WOD
10AM – Monster Mash or Open Gym