Reminder this week we have a few event going on, we have guys night this Friday, Memorial WOD “GS 24” in honor of Officer De Guzman and to show our support for Police Officers across the nation this Saturday starting at 8 AM which is open to the public, following the Memorial WOD head on down to Fiesta Island for our Summer Beach Party!
Monday, August 22nd
Back Squat 7 x 2 @ 80% (pause 2 seconts in bottom of hole)
Teams of 2
AMRAP in 15 Minutes of:
8 Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans (45/25)
8 Toes to Bar
25 Doubleunders
1 works while 1 partner rests
Tuesday, August 23rd
2 Power Clean and Jerks 6-8 sets in 15 minutes working up to 85%
“Tiger Blood”
3 Rounds for Time of:
400 Meter Run
10 Clean and Jerks (135/95)
– then
Buy out 200 meter heavy sandbag carry
Wednesday, August 24th
3 Rounds of:
15 GHD Sit Ups
6 Good Mornings
7-10 Strict Pull Ups
Deadlift (225/155)
Dumbbell Thrusters (45/25)
Thursday, August 25th
3 Sets of:
5 Push Press @ 60-70%
10 Dips
10 Supine Ring Rows (Pause at top of the row for 2 seconds)
Barbara 3min AMRAP
20 Pull-Ups
30 Push-Ups
40 Sit-Ups
50 Squats
rest 2 min 5 sets pick up where you leave off
Friday, August 26th
EMOTM for 8 Minutes of:
Sumo Deadlift x 2 (don’t go above 80%)
4 Rounds for time of:
21 Wallballs (20/14)
18 cal row/bike/sled push (6/4)
15 Kettle Bell Swings (70/53)
12 Handstand Push-Ups
Saturday, August 27th
Outlier will be hosting this workout on 8/27 in honor of Officer De Guzman and to show our support for Police Officers across the nation. Please join us. Feel free to bring a friend (or lots of them). If you’d like to make a donation the information is at the bottom of the flier loaded in this event. There is no charge to come in and do the WOD with us. We will be running heats from 8-11am and there will not be Olympic lifting this day.
Compex USA will be coming out along with Kill Cliff and Power Supply Meals who will have samples available.
This is also the day of our bay event and everyone is welcome to head to the bay afterwards for food, fun and friends.
Sunday, August 28th
9 AM – Free-For-All WOD
10 AM – Monster Mash/Open Gym
For time:
400m run
15 Ring Muscle-ups
800m run
12 Bar Muscle-ups
400m run
9 Rope Climbs, 15 ft
27-21-15-9 reps for time of:
Wallball Shot 20/14
Clean & Jerk 95/65
2 Rounds for time of:
100 ft, Handstand Walk
50 Abmat Sit-ups
*Rest 5 minutes between workouts