Saturday October 27th – 2018 Halloween Throwdown. Competitions return at Outlier, click here for all info. Just a few days left so sign up. We will have a judges meeting this Tuesday night at 6:15pm. If you can’t make it, I will try to hit you up at some point during the week to go over things.
Gymnastics with Coach Jess is Monday night at 6pm! This is the last week of our 6 week run. Remember that this replaces the regular 6pm crossfit class.
New Outlier swag! We are selling leggings and men’s shorts, click here to pre-order. You can also pre-order by putting your name on the list at the gym.
Outliers will be drinking cider on November 10th. Join us at Bivouac Ciderworks at 2pm for some drinks and food.
Outlier baby shower on November 11th. Stay tuned for more info.
Monday 10/22
EMOM 21:
Min 1 – 5 sandbag over shoulder
Min 2 – 10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Min 3 – 12/10 cal bike
Start people at different stations as needed for equipment.
Let’s talk what about what we are trying to accomplish with this EMOM (and most EMOM’s in general). Our goal is to find weights and a rep scheme that is achievable for each person throughout the workout. Most of the time we are looking for about a 1:1 work/rest ratio, so in an EMOM you should be able to complete the work in about 30 seconds. I have not prescribed a weight for the sandbag, so you should choose a weight that is challenging, but allows you to finish the work. We can also adjust the reps. For example, if you are able to complete 5 reps easily with the 100# bag but the 150# bag is just to much, you can perform 6 or 7 reps if that gets you in the right time domain.
So, you can use your warm-up or the first round to figure out what the right rep scheme is for each movement. Adjust as needed in order to maintain the same level of work throughout the workout.
Sandbag options:
70#, 100#, or 150# bag
Scale the movement to ~10 ball slams (40/30) if needed
Extra credit (non-coached)
3 rounds, NFT:
10 standing DB rows
Max effort L-sit
Tuesday 10/23
1 RM push press
20 minutes to establish a 1 rep max push press. Beginner athletes or those who have not been following our latest strength cycle may perform 5 sets of 3.
1 deadlift + 1 hang clean + 1 shoulder to overhead (115/75)
1 box jump over (24/20)
2 DL + 2 HC + 2 S2OH
3 DL + 3 HC + 3 S2OH
…keep adding 1 rep to each movement each round
Wednesday 10/24
1 RM deadlift
20 minutes to establish a 1 rep max deadlift. Beginner athletes or those who have not been following our latest strength cycle may perform 5 sets of 3.
For time:
100 wall balls (20/14)
At the top of each minute (including 0:00), perform 6 single arm overhead KB alternating leg lunges (53/35)
-10 minute cap-
Lunges may be scaled to a lighter weight, goblet lunge, or lunges without weights if needed.
Thursday 10/25
Mid-line strength
3 rounds, NFT:
10-15 GHD hip extensions
20 v-ups
Mainsite WOD 10/6/18
4 rounds:
400m run
200m farmers carry (2 x 50/35)
Friday 10/26
25/20 cal row
15 DB push press (2 x 50/35)
15 DB front squat (2 x 50/35)
70m sled push (4/3)
Fill the rowers to start, and if needed, have the rest of the class start on the DB push press.
Saturday 10/27
No classes, it is the Halloween Throwdown!