Upcoming Events
Save the date! The Outlier holiday party is on Saturday December 14th. Food, drinks, music, and fun. The theme this year is “Pajama Jam”. Be ready to wear pajamas and party.
Programming Note
Through the end of the year we will spend some time breaking down some of our lifting. This means we will spend some time with tempo lifts, pause lifts, and pulling variations. On Monday we will perform tempo squats, and on Friday the lifting is geared towards how you pull from the ground specifically for the clean (which is different than just a regular deadlift).
Tempo Back Squat
5×3 @ 33X0
Perform 5 working sets of 3 reps. The tempo is:
3 seconds down (3)
3 second hold at the bottom (3)
Fast (explosive) ascent (X)
No pause between reps (0)
We have done pause back squats before, but many of you may not have done tempo lifting. This is a great opportunity to dial in your positioning as you are forced to control the movement. We are keeping it simple today with a 3 second descent and a 3 second pause. Be honest with your timing!
For time:
Single arm KB thruster (53/35)
-10:00 cap-
Sprint metcon to finish out the day. Switch arms as needed for the thrusters.
18 minutes:
Bench press, build to today’s heavy single.
Max it out if you are comfortable. Partner up and use a spotter. Using today as a marker so you can see where you are with bench press.
50m farmers carry / DB deadlift:
–10 DB deadlift (2 x 50/35) – at bay door
–25m DB farmer carry (2 x 20/35) – walk to end of stairs
–10 DB deadlift – at end of stairs
–25m DB farmer carry – walk back to bay door
15/12 cal bike
30 double unders
For a large class, start half the people on the DBs, the other half on the bike.
3 rounds:
500m row
20 pull-ups
20 overhead squats (95/65)
-Rest 3:00 between rounds-
Score is total time, including rest. Stagger start time by 3:00 as needed to allow everyone to row.
EMOM 10:
Min 1 – 0:20 push-ups or strict HSPU
Min 2 – 0:20 hollow hold
The first minute is meant to be a strict body weight movement, so if you cannot perform strict HSPU, you should practice regular push-ups. Scale to hand on a box/bench or wall as needed. If you are feeling good about these movements, you may extend the time to 30 seconds, but not at the expense of form. Record number of push-ups.
8 handstand push-ups
16 box jump overs (24/20)
8 ring dips
300m run
Every 1:30 x 6:
3 clean deadlift @ 80%-120% of 1RM clean
Through the end of the year we will spend some time breaking down some of our lifting. This means we will spend some time with tempo lifts, pause lifts, and pulling variations. Today’s lift is geared towards how you pull from the ground specifically for the clean (which is different than just a regular deadlift).
Focus on setting up exactly how you would for a clean. This means you will be using a double overhand grip (no mix grip) and you pull the hips down further than your setup for a conventional deadlift. Also, do not try to max out this lift as if you are deadlifting…focus on pulling as you would for a clean.
2 rounds:
20 cals
20 hang squat cleans (115/75)
20 cals
20 power cleans (115/75)
-16:00 cap-
Start half the class on bike and the other half on row as needed.