Monday, May 29th
Holiday Schedule 8am and 9am Classes only
Thruster x3
100 thrusters for time* 135/95
*5 burpees at the top of every minute
20 minute time cap
It wouldn’t be memorial day without a hero workout. This classic CrossFit Football wod is no joke. The goal for this workout isn’t to go RX’d and crash. We want to see a good amount of reps being put out. Talk with the coach to find the best appraoch for you!
Tuesday, May 30th
Hang snatch x2
EMOM 10 minutes
3 rounds for time
500m row
9 Hang Power Snatch 95/65lbs
50 Double Unders
Yesterday was brutal and today is meant to get the HR up, not create a bunch of soreness, but still be a challenging workout. Work on getting under the bar quickly on the EMOTM. Dont worry about weight if you did Murph. Use this to get better at the movement.
Wednesday, May 31st
Deadlift x2
EMOM for 8 minutes
*build up to 80%
For time
Deadlift 225/155
Dumbbell thrusters 45/25
So this is a repeat from over a year ago. It is pure CrossFit in that it is all about intensity. However, that is relative. The goal isn’t for everyone to rx it, it’s for everyone to get the proper stimulus. Preserving the stimulus is what makes you really fit! That being said, the wod is an all out sprint. Scale it so you can do every round in no more than 2 sets.
Thursday, June 1st
Strength/Skill:Muscle ups
20 min AMRAP
Bike/row 15 cal
4 muscle ups
8 burpee box jump overs
16 Kettlebell Swings
24 Jumping lunges
Going body weight today. If your hands are wrecked from Murph come in anyway and we can scale accordingly. We are pushing out into the longer time zones today. Set a pace you can maintain. If you can do muscle ups, but only 1-2, scale the reps on this then. Don’t do 4/round. You will get a better workout and improve your muscle ups due to the fact that you will get more rounds and stay true to the stimulus.
Friday, June 2nd
Power clean+jerk
EMOM for 8 minutes
10 power clean and jerk 115/75
15 wall balls
8 power clean and jerk 135/95
25 wall balls
6 power clean and Jerk 155/105
35 wall balls
4 power clean and jerk 185/125
45 wall balls
2 power clean and Jerk 205/135
400m run
Use the EMOTM to build to at least a little heavier than the wod. For the wod, try and go unbroken on the first 3 sets of wall balls. Thats where you make up the time. The cleans get heavy which makes you go slower. You can use that to your advantage to get catch your breath.