We will be doing some testing this week. 1-rep max clean and jerk is on Tuesday and a re-test on Friday of the clean and jerk / burpee WOD we did back in the first week of April. Use the same weight on that one even if you feel like you can go heavier so you can have an good comparison.
Also, you will start seeing some bonus or accessory work planned. You are not required to do these (not that you are “required” to do any of this), it is just some extra programming for those looking to do some accessory work. Please note that where it says “non-coached”, it is meant to be done on your own time (before or after class). The Hall of Gains is open for business so lets make use of it!
Monday 5/7
4 rounds
4 minutes work, 2 min rest:
400m run
12 slam ball over shoulder (40/30)
Max ball slams in time remaining
Some cardio work as we will be attempting to max out our clean and jerk tomorrow. Score is number of ball slams each round.
Banded front rack stretch
Keg drill
Pidgeon stretch
Mobility today may be done on the athlete’s own time and is intended to be helpful in preparation for tomorrow’s clean and jerk.
Keg drill: https://youtu.be/mhJvi7walg8
Tuesday 5/8
1-rep max clean and jerk
20 minutes
We have been working on this for the last 6 weeks so it is time to test this one out. You will have 20 minutes to establish a 1-rep max clean and jerk. If you need some more time, feel free to skip the metcon.
10 front squat (115/75)
12 pull-ups
14 DB push press (50/30)*
*Rx+ = 10 HSPU
Substitutions for pull-ups:
Jumping pull-ups
Banded pull-ups
Wednesday 5/9
4 rounds:
21 calorie assault bike
15 overhead squats (95/65)
9 toes-to-rings
Spend some time practicing toes-to-rings before beginning the workout.
Substitutions for toes-to-rings:
Knees to chest (from bar)
Knee tucks (on floor)
Bonus (non-coached)
4 rounds:
A1) 10 ring rows
A2) 10 dips (bar or ring)*
If you can perform more than 10 unbroken strict dips, feel free to up the number of reps.
Superset A1 & A2. Rest as needed between movements and reps. Make the ring rows challenging, add a box under your feet if needed.
Thursday 5/10
Front squat 5×2
EMOM 12:
Min 1 – 15 wall balls (20/14)
Min 2 – 20 Russian KB swings (70/53)
Min 3 – 12 box jump overs (24/20)
In the first minute of the EMOM, you will perform wall balls, in the second minute you will perform KB swings, and in the third you will perform box jump. In minute four, you go back to wall balls and continue in that pattern. You will perform four sets of each movement.
If you cannot finish the designated reps in the one minute window, you will stop and move onto the next movement. You may need to stop early in order to allow time to rotate and/rest.
Score is number of rounds where the work is completed.
Friday 5/11
5 rounds:
5 clean & jerk (155/105)
10 burpees over barbell
Time cap = 15 minutes
Metcon is first today as we want to give it our best effort. This is a re-test from the first week of April.
3 rounds:
A1) 10 DB bench press
A2) 1 min plank hold
Superset A1 & A2. Rest as needed between movements and reps.