June 23rd: Outlier Beach WOD
June 23rd: Proving Grounds Team Fit competition, come support Norm, Karis, and Tom
July 14th: Civil War, more info here
Kids class is now Mondays at 4pm!
Monday 6/18
Back squat 3×10
16 box jumps (24/20)
14 single arm front rack KB squats (7L/7R)
2 rope climbs*
*Rx+ 1 legless rope climb
Rope climb modifications:
2 rope pull from sitting on box
Rope pull from lying down to standing
Extra credit (non-coached)
5 rounds (NFT):
8 standing double KB press*
8 double KB/DB rows
*Use KBs! (don’t substitute with DBs)
Tuesday 6/19
2 overhead squat (from rack)
Strength WOD today is warm-up for the likely the hardest part of the WOD, the 30 OHS. You should aim to end the EMOM heavier than the weight you are going to use during the metcon. Aim to finish the WOD in less than 16 minutes, scale the weight appropriately.
For time:
400m run
30 overhead squats (135/95)
400m run
30 power cleans
400m run
30 push press
Wednesday 6/20
Strength / Skill
Sandbag over shoulder 3×10
We currently have three strongman style sandbags filled to 70, 100, and 150 lbs. We can also use the 30 or 40 lb slam balls. Use this time to practice the sandbag lift technique, work up to the heavier weight as needed.
Partner WOD
EMOM 16:
40 seconds bike
Partners alternate each minute
Score is total calories biked at the end of the 16 minutes
Today’s workout is a partner workout on the bike with a 1:2 work/rest ratio. Partners will alternate each minute on the bike, working for 40 seconds. The remaining 20 seconds of the minute is used as transition time, take this opportunity to adjust the seat height if needed and be ready to go on the start of the next minute. Athletes must stop pedaling at the 40 second mark, but the calories are allowed to bleed over.
If performing solo, stick to the same 1:2 work/rest ratio, so your workout will become 40 seconds biking every 2 minutes for 16 minutes. For consistency, all athletes will follow the gym clock for timing, do not try to set the bike computer to count your intervals. The coach will call out the timing.
If there are more than 12 people, the class will divide in half. One group will work with the sandbags while the other half bikes, switching after the biking is complete.
Extra credit
EMOM 10:
Min 1 – 12 ring rows
Min 2 – 20 v-ups (or 10 GHD sit-ups)
Thursday 6/21
Deadlift 5×5 (dead stop)
Buy-in = 500m row
30 double unders
15 pull-ups
10 burpees
Stagger the start time on the row if needed.
6pm Barbell
Friday 6/22
Every 90 seconds for 12 minutes (8 sets): 1 squat clean + 1 thruster
Perform 1 squat clean, standing all the way up, then perform a thruster. Build in weight over the 8 sets.
Wall balls (20/14)
-rest 3 min-
Death by 10 meters
Death by 10 meters is an EMOM shuttle run workout. Athletes will sprint back and forth between two lines spaced 10 meters apart, with the distance increasing each minute:
Min 1 – 10 meters
Min 2 – 20 meters
Min 3 – 30 meters
Athletes will rest the remainder of each 1 minute interval after the required work is complete. Athletes will continue until they are unable to complete the work within the 1 minute interval. Athletes must touch the ground with their hand at or behind the 10 meter mark at each change of direction.
Extra credit (non-coached)
3 rounds (NFT):
10 HSPU (strict if possible)*
20 single leg DB/KB deadlift (10L/10R)
*Sub 10 DB strict press