Civil War is this Saturday! Teams are set, workouts are released…come cheer on your fellow Outliers even if you are not competing. There is still a few days left to register, get all the info here.
Monday 7/9
A1) Bench press 3×8
A2) Bulgarian split squat 3×8
Superset A1 & A2. For those competing in the Civil War this weekend, this is your chance to see what you can do for a set of 8 bench press.
200m run
10 toes-to-bar
200m run
10 front squats (155/105)
Extra credit (non coached)
4 rounds, NFT:
8 landmine press
1 min plank hold
Tuesday 7/10
Every 90 seconds for 12 minutes (8 sets):
1 snatch + 2 overhead squats
Perform a squat snatch, stand all the way up, then perform two additional overhead squats. Build in weight over the 8 sets.
2 power snatch (135/95)
4 overhead squat (135/95)
16/12 cal row or bike
Wednesday 7/11
10 minutes dedicated pull-up or muscle-up practice
Use this time to practice kipping/butterfly pull-ups or muscle-ups. If you are working on kipping pull-ups, spend time with your coach on proper kipping mechanics before attempting kipping pull-ups.
If proficient, attempt 3 max unbroken sets, resting a couple minutes between sets.
50 double unders
24 box jumps (24/20)
12 CTB pull-ups
50m sled push (4/3)
Extra credit (non coached)
4 rounds, NFT:
8 DB bicep curls (each arm)
12 GHD hip extensions
Thursday 7/12
For time:
800m run
20 power cleans (115/75)
800m run
20 power clean (135/95)
800m run
20 power clean (155/105)
Friday 7/13
EMOM 8 (30 sec work, 30 sec rest in each 1 minute interval):
Min 1- wall balls (20/14)
Min 2 – calories on rower
Rest 3 minutes
EMOM 8 (30 sec work, 30 sec rest in each 1 minute interval):
Min 1 – DB push press (2 x 50/35)
Min 2 – calories on bike
Score is total reps. You can break it down by movement or just keep a running tally.