Friday August 10, 6:30pm – Outliers Drink Beer at Benchmark Brewing Company
Saturday August 18th – Outlier Mock Powerlifting Meet
Saturday September 1st – Hero WOD Saturday: “Hotshots 19”
Monday 8/6
400m run
3 rounds of…
6 shoulder to overhead (165/110)
9 toes-to-bar
15 air squats
Once you complete the 3 rounds, head out on another run and repeat the 3 rounds of work, continuing this way for 20 minutes.
Shoulder to overhead means you can chose any method you want to get the barbell from the shoulders to overhead. The most effecient way to do this for most people will be a push jerk. Choose a weight that allows you to perform a set of 6 unbroken when fresh.
Reduce weight
Hanging knee raises, or sit-ups
Tuesday 8/7
Back squat 5×3 @ 80%
Warm-up and then perform all 5 sets at 80% of your 1 rep max back squat. If you do not know what your 1 rep max is, perform all sets at a challenging weight.
For time:
500m row
25 power cleans (145/100)
25 burpees over bar
Sprint WOD today. Stagger start times for a large class.
Extra credit (non coached)
Bench press 3×10
Dips (ring or bar) 3×12
Wednesday 8/8
20 minutes to build to a heavy snatch double
Build to today’s heavy set of 2. This does not necessarily mean trying to set a PR for a snatch double, but you can if you are feeling up to it. Recommended rep scheme: 6×2.
8 CTB pull-ups
8 overhead squats (135/95)
Thursday 8/9
5 rounds:
16 front rack KB squats (2 x 53/35)
16 single arm OH KB lunges (53/35)*
16 single arm KB push press (53/35)*
200m run
-22 min cap-
*Reps may be split between either arm as needed.
Building on last Monday’s workout with the overhead lunges. Except this time you will be using KBs and there is no built-in rest. Your goal is to finish the workout within the cap so scale the weight with a goal of finishing each round in 4 minutes or less.
Friday 8/10
Skill (5 min)
Muscle-up progression
Every 90 seconds for 9 minutes (6 sets):
4 deadlift (dead-stop)
3 muscle-ups*
6 deadlift (225/155)
9 burpee box jump overs (24/20)
*Movements substitutions:
3 strict pull-ups + 3 drips (ring or bar)
5 ring rows + 5 push-ups