Programming Note
Next week we will kick off a push and pull cycle. This will feature variations of pushing and pulling movements we don’t encounter that often, so it will be a good opportunity to learn.
Gymnastics with Coach Jess
Also starting next week is a 6 week gymnastics course with Coach Jess Piraro. This will begin on Monday 9/17 and will replace the 6pm crossfit class. This will be a great opportunity to lean and hone gymnastics skills and hopefully improve your efficiency with them in metcons. This course is free for Outlier members!
Monday 9/10
Push press 5×3
5 rounds:
7/5 strict pull-ups
40 double unders
50m sled push (4/3)
Tuesday 9/11
3 rounds, NFT:
20 GHD or 30 weighted sit-ups
10 barbell row
3 Rounds:
3 Minute Calorie Row
2 Minute Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
1 Minute Calorie Bike
Rest 2 minutes between rounds
If needed, half the class can start on the 3 minutes of rowing, and the other half on the 2 minutes of burpee box jumps.
Wednesday 9/12
“The Chief”
3 power clean (135/95)
6 push-ups
9 squats
Rest 1 minute. 5 total rounds.
Record number of rounds* complete in each of the 5 cycles.
*Rounds only, not rounds and reps. Plan your effort accordingly.
Thursday 9/13
With a running clock:
30 snatch (135/95)
-Rest 2 min-
4 rounds:
12 toes-to-bar
400m run
Record Isabel time and overall time.
Friday 9/13
20 minutes to build to a heavy set:
1 power clean + 2 hang power cleans + 3 jerks
The reps should be completed unbroken. Jerks may be push or split.
EMOM 11:
5 KB front squats (2 x 53/35)
4 KB push press (2 x 53/35)
3 KB thrusters (2 x 53/35)
Scale to a weight that allows you to complete the complex in 30 seconds or less. Athletes may scale to dumbbells if needed.