Beginning today we embark on a 6 week cycle with an emphasis on clean and jerk. I say emphasis because there will be plenty of other work involved, but the focus will be a simple progression through clean and jerk movements. We will also test a sprint metcon at the beginning and the end of the cycle, that WOD will show up on Wednesday this week.
Hang clean x 2 + jerk
20 minutes to build to heavy set of the complex.
The clean should be a squat clean. Jerk may be any style. Take a few sets to warm up and try to hit at least 5 solid working sets.
3 deadlift (315/205)
10 TTB
30 double unders
Scaling Options:
DL: Pick a weight that is challenging for an unbroken set of 3
TTB: Hanging knee raises, sit-ups
DUs: 60 singles
Strength / Skill
A1) Strict pull-ups 4×10
A2) GHD sit-ups 4×15
Superset the pull-ups and the sit-ups. Scale the pull-ups reps down if you need to, but they should all be strict. Scale to banded strict-pull-ups or ring rows.
For time:
1000m row / 1.2 mile bike
3 rope climbs
60 DB snatch (50/35)
2 rope climbs
30 Box jumps (24/20)
1 rope climb
Scaling Options:
Seated rope climb (to standing, use ropes in back)
DB snatch does not have to alternate, use either arm as needed.
Back squat 5×5
Note: I will always list strength sets as sets x reps, so today we are doing 5 sets of 5 reps. This denotes working sets, so make sure to hit a few warm-up sets prior to your working sets.
5 rounds:
5 clean & jerk (155/105)
10 burpees over barbell
Time cap = 15 minutes
We are going to use this as a baseline that we will re-test in 6 weeks. This is your chance to attempt some barbell cycling as this should be an all out sprint.
The clean and jerk is really a ground to shoulder, shoulder to overhead movement. Any type of clean and any type of press/jerk is allowed.
Kipping & butterfly pull-up instruction / practice (10 min)
If you are proficient at your pull-ups, you can continue to get ready for the workout.
Running “Cindy”
200m run
2 rounds of Cindy*
* Cindy = 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats
If you are working butterfly pull-ups, this is a good opportunity since we are only doing sets of 5.
Cooldown – shoulder mobility:
Banded shoulder distraction
Chest / shoulder smash (w/ supernova or lacrosse ball)
E2MOM 12 (6 sets):
2 power snatch + 2 OHS
E2MOM = every 2 minutes, on the minute
Build over the 6 sets, recommend making a jump in weight every 2 sets.
200m farmers carry (53/35 KB in each hand)
10 power snatch (115/80)
20 wall balls (20/14)
DB’s can be used if we are low on KB’s