WODs for the Week 8/1/22
MONDAY, AUG 1 Bulgarian Split Squat 5 sets: 6/6 back racked Bulgarian split squat [15:00] Perform using at barbell…
MONDAY, AUG 1 Bulgarian Split Squat 5 sets: 6/6 back racked Bulgarian split squat [15:00] Perform using at barbell…
8:00am and 11:00am Workout of the Day AMRAP 20, in teams of 2: 40 wall ball (20/14) 30 push-up 20…
MONDAY, JUL 25 Back Squat Every 2:30 x 5: 3 pause back squat Begin at a moderate to moderately-heavy weight….
8:00am and 11:00am Workout of the Day 2 rounds: 10/7 strict pull-up 20 burpee 30 box jump (24/20) 400m run…
MONDAY, JUL 11 Power Clean EMOM 15: 1 power clean Build in weight as needed. Clean Accessory Clean Deadlift 3×5…
8am and 11am Workout of the Day Stonewall AMRAP 15: 6 squat cleans (135/95) 28 double unders 6 shoulder-to-overhead 9…
8:00am and 11:00am Workout of the Day A) AMRAP 8: 50′ DB goblet lunge (50/35#, 2 x 25′ segments) 20…
MONDAY, JUN 27 Push & Pull Every 3:30 x 5: 5 strict press 5 weighted chin-up Use a DB between…
8:00am and 11:00am Workout of the Day AMRAP 22, in teams of 2: 30 hang power clean (115/80) 30 box…
MONDAY, JUN 20 METCON AMRAP 20: 40 double-under 20 DB snatch, alt arm (50/35) 20 DB goblet lunge (50/35) 40…